how can i add an onload event to a page like process.html?


I want to execute a script like :

(function() { function init() { alert('load event detected!'); }

function addLoadListener(func) { if (window.addEventListener) { window.addEventListener("load", func, false); } else if (document.addEventListener) { document.addEventListener("load", func, false); } else if (window.attachEvent) { window.attachEvent("onload", func); } } addLoadListener(init); } })();

So I try to add a file.js containing this script in the head section of the process.html file.

But after deployement and execution of a case, the init script part is never executed.

it sounds that the event is not properly declared in a bonita infrastruture.

May I have some help to identify what's going wrong?

Thanks a lot in advance.

1 answer



you will find more information about your need by following this link:

