how to change look and feel of bonita forms for my process throughout system


i m using bonitasoft community version .

as per my need i make some changes in my process > resource > Bonita_from_default.css but when i run / execute/ deploy process this modification shows only one time . but when process start look and feel become default .

so how to apply this modification through out system


Submitted by ttoine on Wed, 05/14/2014 - 12:16

Did you tried to edit the css files in the platform, instead of just changing something in the process ?

Submitted by kppatel on Wed, 05/14/2014 - 13:11

Ya i tried in application > resource > bonitasoft_default.css but i change only one time one form . not all form .

it change only first form , and after when i try to start that process again through bonitasoft it again go to default look and feel

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