How to connect from subprocess task to parent task?



I am new to BPM and am attempting some basic mock ups for our company. While exploring, I came across some issues I'm hoping someone here can help me with. First, some background info on my process:

I have a subprocess that exists only as a child of a parent process (I'm using an Event Subprocess - I'd rather not but it's the only option). This process has a step where a report must be sent by one participant to another participant. Each participant lives in separate lanes right now.

My problem therefore is as follows:

The subprocess does not allow sequence flows going in or issuing from it, yet I clearly have a such a step. What is the best work-around for this problem? I'd also like to ensure that only one participant is capable of recieving the report.




Submitted by gusto2 on Mon, 12/23/2013 - 23:44

Hi Jeff. From your description its not very clear what you want to achieve. But if the question title is correct - do you want to send an event from the subprocess to the parent process?

If it's so, you can always send a new message (event message) and receive it in the parent process. You can achieve that by passing the parent process instanceId to the child process. When sending a message to the parent procedure, use the instanceId to correlate the message, so the corrent parent instance will receive it.


Submitted by j.smith on Fri, 12/27/2013 - 15:42

Thank you for your response. I have been away from my desk for the Holidays and am returning to this issue now.

I now understand that the events can be correlated via the instanceId, but what if I need to connect two subprcesses? Concretely, can the instanceId of an event message in a child process be correlated with the instanceId of an event message in a separate child process?

1 answer


If it's so, you can always send a new message (event message) and receive it in the parent process. You can achieve that by passing the parent process instanceId to the child process. When sending a message to the parent procedure, use the instanceId to correlate the message, so the corrent parent instance will receive it.

