how to get subprocess on two different pool,


Hi I want subprocess on two different pool, how to get it. what I am actually doing.. I have three pool In First pool I ma defining Call activity and on that I want to go On pool 2nd and pool 3rd, how we achieve it , please help me.

Thanks and Regards, Bhushan

2 answers


Hi. It works in the other way. If you want to Call your subprocess in pool 2 and 3, you need to add a Call Activity Task in pool 2 and 3.

Pool 1 : Your subprocess Pool 2 : Call Activity that call Pool1 Pool 3 : Call Activity that call Pool1


I think that in BPMN 2.0, a pool = a process (exception for black box) - cf. page 112 of formal/2011-01-03 "Business Process Model and Notation".
