Modify a form after submission


Is there a way for a user to modify its form after submitting it ?

Assume the user submits de form then realises he has made a mistake, does he really have to ask the admin to make the change for him or can he update his form submission ?


1 answer


Hello, a submitted form can no longer be modified (task is completed). However, you can modify the same data that were treated in your form in another place or by using another form, the same way you did in your "original" form. You can implement a loop in your design or you can create another read-only form that would allow the user to validate the data before submitting the form. You can also implement another process that allows to get access to the same data record (if it is saved in an external database) and that can be executed in order to modify the data. Hope this helps, Haris


Submitted by reyes.patrick on Mon, 09/29/2014 - 16:26

I understand the idea but I imagine the case where a user submits a form and then realises one second later that he made a spelling mistake, what would be the easiest way for him to change the form content ?

I understand that the data should not be changed once the approver is "reading" the form because otherwise he would approve a form whose data is not up to date. But in the mean time i.e. before the next step has begun the user should be able to amend the data.

Submitted by haris.subasic on Mon, 09/29/2014 - 16:28

I think that you should look for some Javascript that would allow you to delay the submit for a second or so, or to have some kind of a confirmation that allows the user to "think twice". You can use a simple Bonita form in a pageflow that would contain a question like "Are you sure..." with a submit and back button.

Submitted by reyes.patrick on Mon, 09/29/2014 - 16:33

Thanks for the answer, you mention in your previous answer that implementing a loop could do the trick, but wouldn't this mean that the user resubmit another form that would appear as a new case for the validator, he woud then see different versions of the same case ?

Submitted by haris.subasic on Mon, 09/29/2014 - 16:34

It wouldn't create a new case, but it would create a trace of the same task being executed many times in the history of the case, you are right.
