Mysql doesn't recognize the language



I've Mysql doesn't recognize the non-English litter language I use in forms when I go to table data_instance I can't find anything I wrote, but if I continue in English in one process the second one if I write in Mysql in other language Bonita in the second process read it from the database from this table data_instance.

So why bonita can read different language from the database, but it can't write?any ideas..

If I use H2 database it works, but Mysql doesn't....


Submitted by antoine.mottier on Tue, 01/27/2015 - 12:03

It might be due to charset enconding configuration. Can you check which one is set on your database? Usually it's recommended to use UTF-8 wherever it's possible. You can check this post to see how to switch to UTF-8 an existing database and tables:

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