populate combobox on instantiation form.


sorry i am really newbie on this soft,

I need help, i have combobox that i need to populate with the data from de BDM.

i have tried using APIs like the query name and that things but not work.

if anybody know where can i find one example that explain this step by step, because i need to do this fast.

Please help.


Submitted by antoine.mottier on Thu, 03/15/2018 - 15:56

Does the number of combox is static or should it be dynamic based on the content of the business data?
Should the status of the combox (checked or unchecked) depend on the content of the business data?
Are you using a single business data object or do you retrieve a list of business objects?

If you can share your business data model, some test data and a draft of your instantiation form that can help to understand the use case.


Submitted by abertiboni_1364056 on Thu, 03/15/2018 - 16:18

Thanks for answer.

The box its a select box, a list of values and i need that be dynamic.

I have a table on BDM called providers, with id, legalName and when the process start, i need to pick up the names and load them on a selectbox as a list. so that can help to the user to not be typing the providers on a textbox.

The query that i am using is:

SELECT p.ID, p.legalName FROM Provider p ORDER BY p.legalName ASC

and the type is multiple (java.util.list)

i create a variable on the instantiation form called listproviders as External API, with the URL ../API/bdm/businessData/com.acme.bd.model?q=listproviders

and on the selectbox on UI designer i on available values i put listproviders

Hope that can help to understand what i am trying to do.

Please Help.

Submitted by joe.pappas on Thu, 03/15/2018 - 16:39

The BDM query can only bring back an entire object. Try changing your query to something like:

SELECT p FROM Provider p ORDER BY p.legalName ASC

you'll then have to either parse the returned result or use the object in the combo box

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