Query Variable ArchivedCase


Dear friends,

I am using the API REST of BonitaSoft in my App and I need to get the variables of the **archived cases ** but I cannot. I have been looking for information about how to do it, but I am having the feeling that these variables are not stored in the system. Is it like that or there is any way of doing this?

Pd. I could get data from the variables of cases but not for archived cases.

Thanks a lot in advance.
Best regards.


Submitted by Sean McP on Wed, 09/07/2016 - 23:34

what code are you using?

Submitted by José González on Thu, 09/08/2016 - 08:16

Right now, anything.
I mean, for getting the variables of a case, I am using this call to the REST API: /API/bpm/caseVariable/:caseId/:variableName but until now, I only can get the variables for an open case. So if I finish the case I am not able to get the value of the variables. I looking for something like /API/bpm/caseVariable/:archiveCaseId/:variableName or something like that but I cannot find the solution. I don't know if Bonita does not store this kind of information.

1 answer


Could you find a solution? A have the same issue here...
