I’m trying to create a request in a ASP server using API REST.
Is it possible to consume the API REST using an external ASP Page?.

Yes I don’t see any reason why you should not be able to call REST API from an ASP page.

Did you try? Did you get any error?

From my understanding we need to have a valid session to be able to consume the REST API, when I use an external form (ASP) and try to make an API Call I always get an error 401 Unauthorized. From what I could investigate I need the API-Token cookie to be able to consume the rest API so how can I get that permission inside the asp web page.

You can checkout the documentation about authentication for REST API calls.

If you need help about the way to deal with the cookie provided by authentication API call I’m sorry but I’ll not be able to help as I don’t have knowledge about ASP (but some other community user might knows about it).