Each fragment of the process which is between two Xor gateways will be flexible and changeable from one actor to another:
for some actors with specific information, they will have specific activities to do, for other all activities will appears to check the choice.
so, as a first idea, I do some modification in the XML file of the process and in the XSLT file I added if else and for loops to get control over data. but that seems difficult because I do not master this field.
how can you suggest to me to do that?
Can you maybe describe a little bit more your use case from a business point of view? Because your current explanation is a little bit confusing and it is difficult to understand what you are trying to achieve. Thanks.
Also note that you should never edit manually the diagram or process XML file.
As a first general process, after a Xor gateway, I have three activities A1,A2, A3. Actors with different characteristics (age, nationality, gender, …) don’t perform with the same manner the process. the behaviour of actors can be described by what they choose from the available activities. for example for a first group, and based on some data mining results I will present A1 as a principal activity and for the others as a choice between a Xor gateway. for the second group of actors with the same characteristics, A2 and A3 are principal and A1 is deleted. and so one. I mean that the first process will be flexible according to actors information and some data analytics. (hope the idea become clearer).