how to change expression return type - defaults to string and cant change it

Please see the screen shots below. I went nuts over on how to change the return type to boolean from string




You can’t.
A condition is an expression that is True or False. This kind of value is a Boolean. So you can only have an expression that return a boolean.

For example you can stop the loop if a variable is egal to a certain value (myStringVariable.egals(“AStringValue”)).

EDIT : I’m not awake … I didn’t see that it is the opposite problem …
I think it’s a bug. Try to delete your task and recreate it. For me it is Boolean by default.

What version did you use ?

Yeah but what have you done - according to the screen shots everything is blank?

Where are you expecting the Boolean?


there’s a bug in the tool. You cant change the default value. But I had to ‘play/trick’ with it to return a variable of value boolean. then it defaults to boolean. then go back to my script. now, it has boolean as default instead of string and again its greyed out. but i dont care. i wrote my script. but its a mess to figure that out. hopefully someone can benefit from my post. version 6.5. downloaded 7 to see if its fixed and the answer is NO
