How to model customers in Bonita?

Running on Bonita Community.

How would you approach user tasks for customers? Ideally, I send them link to the user task form over mail, without the need of logging in.

Use cases:

I want to request within a process certain information from my customer, so I sent them email where they can click the link and fill in the form. Alternatively they get a task on their task list.


Approaches I am considering:

1. Create a user group within my organization and create an account for each customer

2. Can I have multiple organizations in the engine deployed? Then I could model my clients' organizations

3. Some way not involving users at all


To put the question in other words: is it possible to make my customers interact with Bonita Community?

I think Bonita has a concept of Guest user. You need to manually set the password for Guest user.
So your customers can log in using the guest credentials.
But since its one guest credential hence everyone needs to use the same.
You would require a mechanism to understand your customers identity.,Guest%20profile%20and%20dedicated%20user%20account,in%20to%20Bonita%20platform%20yet.
