I need a seasoned pro to assist me build my first bonitasoft project

I am building an online membership application and admission process flows for an institute.

Application Prcess:
1. When an applicant visits the homepage, he should be able to create an account.

2. The applicant should be able to select an application type and based on the selection, he would be able to complete a specific form.

3. We want applicants to be able to pay for their application online so we would require an integration with a payment gateway.

4. Applicant can always come back to check on the status of their application from time to time on the portal.

Admission Process:

1. Applicant information submitted would be routed to different users/user groups in the institute to process.

 I need professional assistance. Send me an email wahab@aykonsult.com if you are interested.


Best Regards