Javascript Error and Converting Id to Name in Custom Case Overview


I have an error in my custom overview page. My error is java script cannot execute properly and my conversion of id to name using the API identity is not working.

The java script contains this one. $item is the value of my collection. It gets the value of the company in my bdm. Since this is a custom overview for me to get the value of bdm i created a container a put the value in collection.

Chatbot UI for Bonita

(Bonita newbie question)


I was thinking about using chatbot technologies to interact with Bonita, either from bonita to the user (ex. asking a question and waiting for a yes or no answer to proceed to the next activity) or from the user to bonita (ex. starting a process or another, choosing an answer or sending a document).

Do you think Bonita could handle this ? If so, what API would you use ? With which limitations ?

Thanks for your answer,

Lost connection throws an java.lang.reflect.UndeclaredThrowableException


Connecting to server for API Call, after a time, when connection is lost, an exception is throwed :

Bonita API Connection in LOCAL mode


Since Bonita 7.4 we have a avertissement while connecting to bonita in HTTP mode :

AVERTISSEMENT: You are declaring an API access to Bonita BPM Engine as a remote connection, whereas it looks like you are running in the same JVM. You should use LOCAL connection, using constant 'ApiAccessType.LOCAL'

My code to connect is

Get TaskInstance Id


Currently i'm working on a proof of concept for my work.
I want a user taskList to load all the refused "requests" from a user inside my page. I did this with the API:

Start Process API

Greetings, Im trying to start a case from a process in bonita, for that im using the button widget of bonita UI, my problem that I need to target the next page of the process (not the bonita portal). For this I need to get the caseId of the process that im starting with the button but I have no clue of how to get it.

Unable to get button on app page to start process or open Instantiation Form

On my app page, I've created a button to start a new order, which should initiate the process by opening the Instantiation form. My page is based off the travel request tutorial. I found some other threads regarding similar issues.

Sort records from API Call

The documentation shows the 'o' parameter in the API call to order multiple resources records (http://documentation.bonitasoft.com/?page=rest-api-overview&hash=resourc...).

Is this overruled by the Ordered By part of the BDM's query? Or perhaps I just have the syntax wrong?

How can I stop message debug when calling API Engine ?


Since I have migrate Bonita between 6.3.7 to 7.3.0, when I call API Bonita, I have message debug for the HTTP request made by these call...

Rest api Start a process using an instantiation contract gives 415 Unsupported Media Type


I am trying to use REST for start process but bonita returns error 415 Unsupported Media Type. I am using jquery for do it
