
Add Hyperlink in Bonita navigation menu

I have added a custom application for users using admin account and users have not access to Application tab which have url to custom application. How can i add hyperlink in side or main navigation menu in Bonita which open a custom application page.

Create Application

When I want to create an application I follow the steps well and I click on the Create button, but no application is displayed in the application list.
What should I enter for URL? Is that the problem ?
Thank you

Application Components

When we want to import an application in production, first we need to import :

API extensions
Business data model

Where are these saved and how can I access and import them?
Thanks in advance

antoine.mottier's picture

Vacation management Living Application


This is an official Living Application example for Bonita >7.10.3

This example demonstrates the following concepts:

Start an application directly from a URL


We are doing a project where we connect our ERP with BPM Bonitasoft, inserting a specific value in the lines of the order should check if the line requires approval, if so, I wanted to start a process that I have implemented in the BPM through URL. This URL has a parameter (guid) that identifies the order line in the database of our ERP, so you can display data in order in the form of the process. My question is if you can start an application directly from a URL? When you run the application the URL automatically.

thank you very much

