
emmanuel.duchastenier's picture

Bonita Purge tool has been integrated in Bonita and is now part of Bonita 2021.1 Enterprise Edition.

Releases for Bonita Purge Tool

Total downloads: 1 903
Version BonitaBPM Version Post date Download Link to content
1.0.2 7.x 2020-Jul-21 Download
Release note
1.0.1 7.x 2020-Jul-03 Download
Release note

Case Overview : The engine was not able to know if the user is involved in the process instance. Error while executing command:

I am trying to create a manager profile where I assign a manage case tab for this profile. I am not able to overview cases done by other users. I get the error :

How to distinguish open case from archived case.


I am using Bonita Community 6.3. I would like to create an overview pageflow. Specifically i would like to have a form on case level containing some data about process instance (starteBy, startedDate etc.). So in widget's initial value script I am getting ProcessInstance to get this data. The problem emerges when the case finishes and is moved to archive. I know that I can get ArchiveProcessInstance by
