bonita 5.x

GroovyConnector class not found

Bonita BPM 5.7 Server Glassfish : 3.1.2 JDK : 1.7

We have the exception listed below while calling a groovy script connector in a task. In glassfish3\glassfish\domains\domain1\bonita-server-v5.7.2\server\default\tmp there are scripting-5.7.2.jar listed. Is there any other reference to the groovy jars? Where do we have to put the classpath references? Thanks in advance

Explain Environment Bootstrap

Hi ,

I was going through various connectors of Bonita BPM, I came across Connector named "Environment Bootstrap"

someone explain this pleasssssssss !!!!!!!

Runable process example for Bonita 5.x

Hello everybody, I'm Ami...

Well, I've found runable Bonita 6.x process example in :

It has extension .bos

Now I need runable Bonita 5.x process example, and it will be great if the process example work on both Bonita 5.x and Bonita 6.x

Thank you
