Bonita BPM 7

How to change search filters on the portal of the "task" tab


The "filters" box on the "Tasks" tab searches the tasks only for "Task Name". Is there any way I can configure this filter to perform searches using other search keys? For example, from searches using "Process Name", "Name of the User that started the Task", among others. Explain in detail, I do not have much knowledge in this area. Is there any tutorial ready for this?

If I create a REST API extension can I change this filter search functionality? Explain how I can do this.

Thank you very much, any information can be helpful.

BonitaBPMCommunity-7.4.3 tomcat bundle Error

Hi I have installed BonitaBPMCommunity-7.4.3-Tomcat-7.0.67 (tomcat bundle)
I have this error when I start tomcat Etat HTTP 404 - /bonita ,The requested resource is not available
- I dont have a folder bonita in BonitaBPMCommunity-7.4.3-Tomcat-7.0.67 like in BonitaBPMCommunity-6.3.8-Tomcat-6.0.37and it work in BonitaBPMCommunity-7.2.0-Tomcat-7.0.67(I installed it it work and it return technical user but when I add the .bar file I have an error because in studio I work with bonitacommunity 7.4.3). how can I make BonitaBPMCommunity-7.4.3-Tomcat-7.0.67 work

search by LastName

I want to do search by LastName using filter in rest api but don't work I have Rest Api like this one :
../API/bdm/businessData/ q=findByLastName&p=0&c=100&f=LastName=={{searchValueNom}}

this my requete :SELECT d FROM DemandesConges d
WHERE d.LastName= :LastName
ORDER BY d.persistenceId

How to show user (First Name ,Last Name)and manager in the first form instatiation

hello everybody anyone can help me
I have a question how can I show user and manager in the first form instantiation

type of leave vacation management example

how can we do example official vacation management with type of leave(sick,paye,impaye...,other) , daysavailableInitial associated to type of leave
for example
paye--->daysAvailableInitial =20
impayé-->daysAvailableInitial = 60

update daysAvailableCounter vacation Request

Hello everybody
anyone can help me pleeease , in leave request when I do the first one a leave request the currentbalance(daysAvailable) updated but the second one back to the daysAvailableInitial
For exemple daysInitialValue = 60
new request( NbreDays=5 ) --> daysAvailableCounter:60-5=55
second request (NbreDays = 3)--> daysAvailableCounter 60-3=57 shoud be do daysAvailableCounter 55-3= 52
thanks in advance
this is my process.bos

daysAvailable in leave request

Hello, I am a beginner Bonita BPM 7, I did a leave request process, I made two model of business data DemandesConges (StartDate, EndDate, dateRetours, NombreJours, TypeConge, balance, MotifConge) and DossierAdministratif (firstName, lastName, Email...), now I want to know how I can calculate balance of leave in such a way that whenever an employee is applying for leave, the balance of leave subtracts the number of days.
I made a script for the variable of pool but plenty of error

leave request bonita BPM 7

Hello, I am a beginner Bonita BPM 7, I did a leave request process, I made two model of business data DemandesConges (StartDate, EndDate, dateRetours, NombreJours, TypeConge, balance, MotifConge) and DossierAdministratif (firstName, lastName, Email...), now I want to know how I can calculate balance of leave in such a way that whenever an employee is applying for leave, the balance of leave subtracts the number of days.
I made a script for the variable of pool but plenty of error

demande congé

bonjour , je suis débutant Bonita BPM 7,
j'ai fait un processus de demande de congé , j'ai fait deux modèle de données métier DemandesConges(dateDebut,dateFin,dateRetours,NombreJours,TypeConge,solde,MotifConge)et DossierAdministratif(firstName,lastName,Email..) , maintenant je veut savoir comment je peut calculer solde de congé de tel sorte que chaque fois qu'un employé fait une demande de congé , le solde de congé soustrait le nombre de jours .

j'ai fait un script du variable de pool mais plein d'erreur

autologin/anymous user on Bonita bpm 7

Hello Everyone.

I have a question about how can I to assign a process or access to the portal without logged or an anymous user in bonita bpm7, because I made a process to create a user into bonita using UI designer (like register form).

If anyone can give me any suggestions, I'd appreciate it .

Best regards.

Gabriel M
