Bonita BPM 7.4

BonitaBPMCommunity-7.4.3 tomcat bundle Error

Hi I have installed BonitaBPMCommunity-7.4.3-Tomcat-7.0.67 (tomcat bundle)
I have this error when I start tomcat Etat HTTP 404 - /bonita ,The requested resource is not available
- I dont have a folder bonita in BonitaBPMCommunity-7.4.3-Tomcat-7.0.67 like in BonitaBPMCommunity-6.3.8-Tomcat-6.0.37and it work in BonitaBPMCommunity-7.2.0-Tomcat-7.0.67(I installed it it work and it return technical user but when I add the .bar file I have an error because in studio I work with bonitacommunity 7.4.3). how can I make BonitaBPMCommunity-7.4.3-Tomcat-7.0.67 work

search by LastName

I want to do search by LastName using filter in rest api but don't work I have Rest Api like this one :
../API/bdm/businessData/ q=findByLastName&p=0&c=100&f=LastName=={{searchValueNom}}

this my requete :SELECT d FROM DemandesConges d
WHERE d.LastName= :LastName
ORDER BY d.persistenceId

How to show user (First Name ,Last Name)and manager in the first form instatiation

hello everybody anyone can help me
I have a question how can I show user and manager in the first form instantiation

Update a process in Production without losing data

Hi there!

We would like to know the best practice to update a process in production without losing data. Currently, we disable the older version and install the new version so that the in-flight instances are not affected by this change.

Thanks in advance,
Raji Malla
