Bonita7 UIDesigner

Is it possible to create an application page using the UI designer that does not require login?

This would be useful for user registration pages.

I thought there was a way to login to a living application page by putting the username and password in the url. for example. localhost:8080/bonita/apps/appname/registration?username=anonymous&password=bpm

But when I tested this option it did not work. Is there a way to turn this feature on?

Or another way to accomplish this?

Bonita application and custom event listener for pages

Hello. I am trying to create bonita application and cant realy understand 2 moments with it.

1) Is there any way to separete bonita application with bonita portal? I want to have "stand alone" application with its own authorisation, without default bonita portal authorisation page. The main idea to prevent users from access to bonita portal pages and functionality to create application wich would look like production application.

How to show a pop-up or modal panel to fill in some fileds of one row of a table?

Hi all

I am a newbie at Bonita 7.2, and I need to add new rows to a table that I'm showing, but I don't know how to open a pop-up or modal panel to fill in the fields and create that new row in the table.

Thank you very much

Errors in the form

On the UI interface they show up quite nicely, with all necessary properties. But when i run in chrome (latest update) the first calendar is cut in half, while the second doesn't show any date at all.

Is it possible to use the UI Designer from a remote server?


I have installed Bonitasoft 7.2 on my local laptop. From bonita studio I am able to launch the UI Designer and create and edit forms. This is ok for a single user, but since we are two users testing the platform, we will like to share the forms developed by each one.

1- Is it possible to change some Bonita Studio properties in order to point to a UI Designer located in a remote application server (for the community edition)?

2- Where are the forms created stored? in the database? or in some directory from tomcat?


fieldset en ui designer


Apenas estoy comenzando el desarrollo de software con bonitasoft BPM, me gustaría saber como puedo insertar un fieldset como un widget en el ui designer de bonita, he tratado creando un widget personalizado, pero no me queda como container.


Gracias por su ayuda

Trubles with select widget

Hello everybody,

I'm trying to use the select widget but without success so far. I initialized it as followed:
Available values: [{"v":0,"l":"A"},{"v":1,"l":"B"},{"v":2,"l":"C"}]
Displayed key: l
Returned key: v

The options are there, but if I try to select one, I get something like infinite loop with errors:

Accessing variables of the parent loop from nested loop

Hi. I have two containers in the form, one inside the other (parent and child) and I need show information in the child container that depend the parent.
For example i need show "banana" in container of "producingCountries" and show "apple" in other container of "producingCountries"

Erreur dans le UI designer et dans le PORTAIL

actuellement j'utilise la version 7.2 de Bonita en community.
J'ai constaté que dernièrement je ne parvenais pas a voir les pages et widgets créer dans UI Designer.
Et quand je me rend aussi sur le portail / Applications , je ne vois pas la liste des mes applications (liste vide), et quand j'essaie d'importer mon application, j'ai le message : cette application existe deja.

J'ai tenter plusieurs redémarrage, ainsi que le redémarrage de la machine rien n'y fait.

es ce un BUG ?
Someone can help me ?

Target URL on Success of a Button: New Case


In the UI designer, Once I hit a button I need to create a new case and then redirect to a form of that new case I just created.

I already did the step of creating the case and retreived the case Id(which is a response parameter after I call the api). I just need the part of creating the url to redirect to the task of that created case.

Thank you!
