Bonitasoft 6.2.3

Bonita subscription deployment upgrade 6.2.3 to 6.3.3 issues.

I have attempted to migrate our Bonita Subscription version 6.2.3 running on Tomcat 7 and MySQL to version 6.3.3. I followed the directions listed here:

I am now seeing this error repeated in the Bonita log. I am assuming that I have a bad jar file somewhere but I've looked over the migration steps and I cannot find anywhere that I went wrong.

I get a 500 error when going to the Bonita Portal.

Collapse all process instances in only one instance

Hi ,

I have a sub-process that inserts the users waiting for OHS Training session in a mysql database. And when it is available a new OHS training session the OHS trainer should send an email to all users waiting for OHS Training.

