
Get the case history through REST API


We are planning to use the community version of BonitaBPM.
In the documentation of the REST API, I didn't see any way to get the complete history of a case.
Is it possible in the community edition to get the history of a case or do we need to upgrade our subscription to be able te make an API extension ?

Thanks for your answer,
Best regards,

Do we have an API that links to the BDM context of an archived case!

We can get the link to the context of an open case with this "../API/bpm/case/{id}/context".
Do we have a similar thing to do this for an archive case?

If this does not exist, is there any workaround to access the BDM details for a closed case!


make changes with out losing current cases

Thanks in advance for your help. Each time that I deploy an application everything works fine, but if i need to make a change in one form (for example to add a new field) and I execute again the process, all cases that was on execution resets and every cases that was on execution and ended cases disappear . Exists a way to make changes without reset all current cases that are executing and all ended cases?

How to insert a variable value creating a case using REST

Hi. I'm using Bonita 6.2.

I need to create a case and pass a value to a global variable using REST. Reading the REST api, i found the caseVariable to do operations with them. But to do this i need:

Preserving case histories over migration from 5.x to 6.x


I want to migrate the portal from 5.x to 6.x. Is it possible to do this in a way that means that once I have migrated, I can view on the new 6.x portal the history of cases which were completed in the old 5.x user experience?



How to manage multiple cases?

Is it possible to take a list of open cases that are assigned to a particular user and then perform a bulk action on them, which might be closing them, or setting a common flag that links them all?

Is there an API function that could provide an initial list (of assigned processes), which could then be managed in a process?


How do I retrieve information of a previous case/instance ?

In my process, I store information in Bonita database in order to create reports, etc...

However, I would be interested in retrieving information of a previous case and use it in a new case. Is this possible ? and if yes, how ?
