
Create, update or delete cases, groups, users, roles....Api rest

Hello everyone
I am using the Bonita rest api to create, update or delete cases, groups, users, roles or tasks and for all cases the rest api returns a 401
I use postman to make the requests according to the pretty documentation
for example to create a group
var axios = require('axios');
var data = JSON.stringify({
"icon": "",
"name": "manager",
"displayName": "department manager",
"description": "manager of the department"

Create and persist user task

Hello Bonita friends,

we're working on Bonita BPM adapter that should be able to communicate between two BPM worlds (Bonita BPM 6.3 and our BPM Inbox which is a BPM framework with its own API). Actually we have done Acitivi and Adobe LC adapters that both communicate with our BPM Inbox very well. Now we're adding the third adapter - Bonita BPM.
