
Crud en bonita?

Como haríais CRUT, consultas, altas, bajas y modificaciones de una tabla del BDM?

El alta parece claro: un procedimiento de una sola tarea. La consulta con una página con un componente de tabla de acceso a datos.

Las modificaciones y bajas con un procedimiento con un formularios de inicio para localizar el registro a tratar, y una tarea con dos botones, uno modificar y otro eliminar?

Es el mecanismo recomendado?

Hay algún ejemplo preconstruido? Seria muy útil.

Cualquier consejo será muy agradecido.

Process for edit a record

Hi everyone, I'm developing an app with few process and I need to make CRUD functions. Basically, I have a BDM Object 'Customers' and I need to add a Edit feature. I know that all update process have to do trough a Process, but I can't found clearly how I have to design the process in order to get an external persistenceId, fill the form with that info, allow to update some fields and save it. Can anybody help me with this? Or share a example of something like that? Thanks in advance!

CRUD Tutorial in Bonitasoft

Hello, does bonitasoft provides a complete tutorial or sample project of Create, Update and "Delete" into a one application? Please let me know if anyone has the tutorial or sample project of it. I am very thankful if someone willing to give me a tutorial. This is my first time using BPM, im still learning on this.
