Customuserinfo RESTAPI

Is it possible to update (post) user custom information?


I tried to update user custom information by using the post method in the UI form.

For example,

Url to call : ../API/customuserinfo/value/26/201

Data send on click :

"userId": "26",
"value": "manager1",
"definitionId": {
"name": "ManagerUsername",
"description": "manager information update by an employee",
"id": "201"

I think this is wrong approach.

I tried to check the document, but I could not find a correct API yet.

Dynamic permission doesn't work in community version

I want to use Dynamic permission to restrict access to users. Actually, I wand to let the user access and modify only himself.
I added below codes in

Why can any user access custom information?

I want to use Customuserinfo API for getting custom data of users. After testing it, I realized that any user can get custom data of other users by using Customuserinfo API. Is there any problem? I think it's a security problem.
I try API in version 7.7.4 and 7.8.4.
Is there any way that users access only their information?

[Bonita 7] customuserinfo REST API gives 403 Forbidden


I'm using Bonita 7.2 and I'm trying to use ../API/customuserinfo/ API through Postman(Chrome extension for testing REST API). I'm getting 403 Forbidden error. I think there is some permission issue. The user I'm using for this API is of Administrator profile. Please suggest if anything is missing.


CustomInf List from Rest API (404 error)
