default tenant id

Error - "Can't retrieve default tenant id"

Hi Guys,

I have this error in the logs. I am doing a fresh installation of Bonita v7.2.3, using Bonita BPM App Server Bundles and using SQL Server.
Can someone please help.

How do I really change the install/install user and password? the method in the documentation doesn't appear to work for me

How do I really change the install/install user and password? the method in the documentation doesn't appear to work for me:

I just installed 7.3 with tomcat. I can login with the technical user and using the username "install" and password "install" was able to login. But now I need to change this user/password so this doesn't remain open to the public.

javax.servlet.ServletException: org.bonitasoft.console.common.server.utils.DefaultTenantIdException: Can't retrieve default tenant id

Bonjour, Malgré tous les posts que j'ai pu trouvé en anglais ou en francais, je ne trouve pas de solution a mon soucis

Je veux installer bonita avec une base H2 en local. J'utilise le bundle BonitaBPMCommunity-6.1.2-Tomcat-6.0.37. Java client 7.60 et jdk1.6.0_45. OS windows server 2008 R2

A chaque fois je 'ai ce soucis lors du démarrage **: Can't retrieve default tenant id** Le problem vient p our moi d'un soucis du sous dossier bonita avec "client" et "server"

Bonita exception while creating tenant directory (Jelastic Cloud - Bonita 2.3.2 - Deploy)


I need help to solve this problem:

org.bonitasoft.console.common.server.servlet.PlatformTenantListener initializeDefaultTenant SEVERE: Bonita exception while creating tenant directory org.bonitasoft.engine.exception.BonitaHomeNotSetException: You need to set the system property: bonita.home

Version: BonitaBPMCommunity-6.3.2-deploy Jelastic Cloud Tomcat 7.0.47 MySQL 5.5.34

Amazon Linux, Tomcat 7, mysql 5.5 - The current node has not been started yet

I am unable to get BonitaBPMCommunity version 6.2.3 to run on an Amazon EC2 instance under TomCat7. I have followed this tutorial: and modified it so I can install the software on Amazon Linux (use yum).

Bonita_v6 with Tomcat installation

I'm trying to install bonita 6 bundle tomcat whith MySql .
I followed this tutorial and i have an exception :

javax.servlet.ServletException: org.bonitasoft.console.common.server.utils.DefaultTenantIdException: Can't retrieve default tenant id
