
Al usar una compuerta lógica paralela, ¿hay algún límite en cuanto al número de tareas que puedo lanzar en paralelo?

En mi diagrama, al usar una compuerta lógica paralela, ¿hay algún límite en cuanto al numéro de tareas que puedo lanzar en paralelo?

Display diagram in portal


Is there a way to display the process diagram in the portal? Either for users or administrators.

I'm talking about the community edition.

Thank you.

How to print/export a diagram with header?

Hi all,

I recently dowloaded Bonita BPM 7.4.3 to draw BPM diagrams.

I've printed some as PDF, is it possible to get headers/titles on the print?

Thanks for helping!


Vue diagramme


Nous passons (en version souscription) d'un bonita 7.2.2 à bonita 7.3.3 et nous remarquons que la vue diagram d'un case ou dans le Monitoring status sur bonita 7.3.3 n'est plus possible.
Dans la liste des cases, l'icone a disparu.
Dans le monitoring status, le click sur l'icône n'affiche rien.

C'est une fonctionnalité d'administration bien pratique, a-t'elle disparu en version 7.3.X ?


Basic Understanding of Parallel Tasks with Bonita BPM 6.3.1

First of all I'd like to apologize, because the question may be too basic.
I'm messing with BPM for learning porpuses.

I have created a simple process diagram which include AND-gateways.
The diagram includes several human tasks that can be performed only by some actors in both branches and also following the joint gateway.

Can't import diagram Purchase Order Validation (BPMN process diagram) on Bonita 6.4.2

After I try to import Purchase Order Validation (BPMN process diagram) i recieve error "You are trying to import a process who has been designed with an incompatible version". Where to find compatible version of diagram and how to know with which version are compatible? Thank You.

Can I reference/link a sub-process to another .proc file?

Hi, we're evaluating BonitaSoft in our company as a possible replacement for Bizagi. Here's what we want to do, but so far couldn't:

Splitting a single diagram (that has multiple processes within) to multiple diagrams (each containing a single proces)

I have a diagram with multiple processes within it (these diagrams have interdependencies: call activities, throw-catch message mechanisms). I want to split this single diagram (that has multiple processes within) to multiple diagrams (each containing a single proces).

.bar file contains multiple processes from diagram? How do I export a single process within a diagram?

I have a single diagram with multiple processes within it. Using the export function I created .bar files for each process within the diagram.

I send a single .bar file to a collegue and he tried to import this single .bar file. But when he did, he got the full diagram that i made, with all the processes, instead of just the single process associated with the .bar file i gave him.

How obtain the BPMN schema ?

Is it possible to get the bpmn diagram via the API or via a REST service ?

In community version ? In entreprise version ?

