Dynamic authorization

Will dynamic permissions be removed from BonitaCommunity starting with 2021.2?


Considering what the Bonita 2021.1 Release Notes read:

(...) API dynamic security capabilities will be removed from Bonita Community 2021.2 and will be part of the set of Enterprise features related to security (...)

Unable to Have correct Dynamic Security Check "check|org.bonitasoft.permissions.ProcessInstantiationPermissionRule"


I'm trying to set Dynamic Security Check for REST API in dynamic-permissions-checks-custom.properties but it don't works!

I've configured:

GET|bpm/humanTask=[profile|Administrator, user|jmd, check|org.bonitasoft.permissions.TaskPermissionRule]
PUT|bpm/humanTask=[profile|Administrator, user|jmd, check|org.bonitasoft.permissions.TaskPermissionRule]

Security is OK for user jmd if I especially insert it into the file, but Lane Actors doesn't have correct Access.

In the Lane I've defined an Actor "User Manager"
