
Aggregated BDM sub-objects filling from UI forms

Hi there,

I'd like to get some best practices / how-to info regarding filling BDM fields in sub-objects connected with aggregations.

For instance, I'd like to use a global process pool object "Research" containing aggregated subobjects such as "Operations" that are to be created & populated.
The main "Research" fields are populated in a first form attached to a specific task and the "Operation" subobject list is to be populated within a repeat container in a following form.

How can i use an external form instead of Bonita form?

I have a simple process, that contains 2 HumanTasks. I want to use an external form using html page. I have reviewed this information:

But , as i have the Bonita Comunity 6.5.1 version , i can not do . Likewise , also i did not understood the information that contains the link.

So how can i do it ?


submit button and access to the next form

I have two human tasks: Step1 and Step2. I want that when I finished the first redirected to the form of the second. In the form of the first task I have defined the following variables:

myTask (externalAPI): ../API/bpm/task/{{taskId}}
myCase (javaScript): return $data.myTask.caseId
urlNextTask (javaScript): return '/form/processInstance/' + $data.myCase +'/task/Step2'

In the "Target URL on success" of de button submit write: /bonita/portal/{{urlNextTask}}

Issue making a "Loading..." text for a widget.


I've made a custom widget for retrievieng some information about a case using the $http service (XHR) from AngularJS.

The widget loads successfully the data but it appears by parts (since it loads) then I put a div with te directive ngShow for showing a "loading..." text while the data is loading.

Well, that it works partially, because, randomly, it stuck with the "loading..." text.

Here is the controller code:

Get current date on a new Bonita 7 form


Maybe this is a dumb question but I've had issues trying to get the current date in a form.

First I create a variable and I call it "currentDate" as this JS expression:

return new Date();

Then I put a widget (text, input, title, etc) with this value.

Today is {{ currentDate | Date }}

Then I try the form.

When the form runs, it enters on an infinite loop, It always refresh the variable.

How can I have masks for the input fields in Bonita 7 ?

Hi everyone,

I need to put masks in my input fields, on Bonita 7 forms. How do I do it using the new UI Designer? (Details, please, I am not that good programmer).



mkarlsson's picture

DigitalForms is based on a modeldriven App-Generation-Framework, that will accelerate the creation of form apps in combination with the workflow engine of BonitaSoft.

Failed to create the part's controls

Difference in screens, Studio Run vs Portal Apps->Do it

Hi there,

Bonita Studio 6.3.7, Java, Windows 8.1

I notice when running a process from Studio I get the Pool Title in the Middle Top of the page, but when I run the application from the Portal (Apps->select->Do It) I do not see the Pool Title in the Middle Top of the page.

Which is correct? Should the Pool Title be displayed in the top of the page or not? I don't think there is any option to decide if it is or not, is this a bug?

Thanks and regards Seán

Data inside Portal

I have made a process that is form based for a trucking company. The process works well but once the whole process is done, I cant see the data that is placed on the forms anywhere in the portal. I need help to be able to pull these forms up at later dates. Should I add a connector to send the form information to? any ideas?
