
Can't get document by url or id

Hey guys,
I read this: https://documentation.bonitasoft.com/6.x-7.2/documents-0 and tried to implement this but faild.
I tried two ways, that I will show you and maybe some of you can help me and say what the next steps could be.

First try:
I got the url of my pdf, its: documentDownload?fileName=BookOne.pdf&contentStorageId=1643

select option value


I have a question, is there anyway to make trough javascript put a value on a select widget.


my select widget have loaded 3 items


and i want when the form start that the widget start with the value p1, but if i change another field the select take a value that is needed.

is that posible???

my select is on a $item.

i have tried to make this


but when i try that the system tell me that is undefined...

so what can i do???

How can I call an API from the UI Designer?

Hi everyone,
I want to call an API (not Bonita API) from a JavaScript variable from the UI Designer. I have the following code:

Bonita application and custom event listener for pages

Hello. I am trying to create bonita application and cant realy understand 2 moments with it.

1) Is there any way to separete bonita application with bonita portal? I want to have "stand alone" application with its own authorisation, without default bonita portal authorisation page. The main idea to prevent users from access to bonita portal pages and functionality to create application wich would look like production application.

How to access data from a subarray by UI Designer?

How can I access data from a subarray in UI Designer? Following the example of expense reports that is available in Bonita Community, I was able to add the data to an array in the UI Designer and then bring them to the BonitaSoft studio, however I have a dropdown that should be filled according to item Selected in the first dropdown, according to the following image:

How to populate a Table Widget in Bonita 7.4.2 from a REST API Call?

I am a newbie at using Bonita for the automation of a customer onboarding process and wish to display the customers from REST API call which is powered by MySQL Server.

Currently, my approach is to bind the content of the table to a variable that contains JavaScript code to make the REST API call and return the response.

When I try to execute the form with this approach, it gives me the following error:
Uncaught DOMException: Failed to construct 'WebSocket': The URL 'wsockets/254/4v399h8_/websocket' is invalid.

Javascript Error and Converting Id to Name in Custom Case Overview


I have an error in my custom overview page. My error is java script cannot execute properly and my conversion of id to name using the API identity is not working.

The java script contains this one. $item is the value of my collection. It gets the value of the company in my bdm. Since this is a custom overview for me to get the value of bdm i created a container a put the value in collection.
