Custom Query with LIKE operator works well on studio but not when deployed

Hi all,

I'm having some trouble with a custom query with LIKE operator when I deploy the BDM to portal. Here the details.

How to visualize only the last 10 orders in a case overview page using a Custom Query and APIs?

Hello everybody,

It may be a simple question but no matter how hard I try, I can't find a solution.

Here is the context:
Similar to the "Travel Request" tutorial, I have a case overview page but with one Table widget that allows me to see the status of my order (pending, rejected or approved). For instance:

------- ----------
Cust. | Status
------- ----------
1 | approved
------- ----------
2 | rejected
------- ----------
3 | pending
------- ----------

Error in Custom Query

Hi everyone, i am trying to create custom update bdm query. But suddenly when i started the process the error message like this "The business data 'requestCA' with the class name 'com.company.model.RequestCA', is not managed by the current version of the BDM" displayed right after i pressed the run button. I changed the query many times but the message keep appearing. These are queries that i have tried before:

JPQL limit 1 row result

Is-it possible in JPQL query to limit result to 1 row ? like TOP 1 or LIMIT 1 in SQL.
Or i'm obliged to use a Multiple type result (Java.util.List) and control the number of rows in my groovy script ?


Custom Query

Good afternoon,

I would like to know how to make a custom query, to obtain records of several tables. I have read and tested with the JPQL documentation that the studio provides as a reference, I have used JOIN, but I have not managed to make it work and it generates an error when I finish. Has anyone made a query like this?

I have used some queries previously but it is really limited not being able to obtain data from several tables through a single query as we do a normal database like sql.

I would greatly appreciate your help.


