
Using BDM relationship links in Ui Designer

Hello everyone!

I wanted to know if you could help me with the following queries:

1- Using UiDesigner, how can I get the value of the link of one of the clients? I am using a select widget.

2- Once I have obtained a link from the client, how do I obtain the information? I will use the information to load another select widget.

This is the json of the clients, each one has an vehiculosInversion:

Show information that is inside a list that is inside another list in UI Designer

Hello everyone!

I have an "Onboarding" variable that has a list of "vehiculos" that inside has a list of "cuentas". I have a form that correctly persists the information, up to here ok.
The problem is when another task begins, the form does not show the "cuentas" information, it only shows up to "vehiculos".

I share the JSON of the variable that I use to display all the data:

Add variable to json

Hi all!

Actually use Bonitasoft community 7.5.4, well I create a form in the automatically generated UI with the contract.

Also create a javascript variable to calculate the date automatically when starting the form, My quiestion is how can I add a variable to json output of the contract so that it adds that value in the BDM and to call it in another form?

How can I browse a JSON with Groovy ? How to use bodyAsObject ?


I have JSON data like :
"StartDate": "2018-08-30T00:00:00",
"EndDate": "2018-09-07T00:00:00"
"StartDate": "2018-06-30T00:00:00",
"EndDate": "2018-10-07T00:00:00"

I used a connector REST GET but I only got the full API so I use bodyAsString.split() to get the StartDate in a variable or the Title in an other variable.
But how can I use bodyAsObject to get the list of all StartDates and the list of all Titles ?

Thank You

Select Widget - How to pass two values ?

Hey guys,
In a select widget you can set the displayed key (in my case: E-Book), returned key (in my case: 490$) and the value (in my case $item.price).

My problem is, that I need to fill two variable, because on the next page I want to see what the customer choosed and what the price is. For now, I only see the price.
How can I set the name of the product (->E-Book) and the price (->50$), by selecting "E-Book"?

Different JSON structure in form


I'm new to bonita and JSON, I read a lot of posts on the forum but found no relevant infos on my problem.

I'm using a REST GET connector to fetch some infos from a webservice.
I have a process variable of HashMap type to witch I affect the result of the REST GET with "bodyAsObject".

If I test the webservice (with postman chrome extension), the JSON looks like :

Parsing contract variables coming from a form

Hi everybody,
I'm working in a process with a mailing connector. I have a form with a table widget to select some lines. When I select these lines I send them to a contract variable (multiple text). What I'm trying is parsing the content of this variable to fit data in the body of my email. At this moment I have only a beautiful string like this:
" [{persistenceId=111, .., field1=john, field2=snow,..}, {persistenceId=200, ..., field1=mary, field2=skye,..}] ".

I'm new in this kind of code. Perhaps someone could give me a way to try this.

Is it possible to create a list of information in JSON format in UI Designer?

I am displaying data that is brought into the database in some Dropdowns, as if it were some sort of shopping cart page from E-Commerce sites, at the moment my page looks like this:

Tengo un problema al mapear una variable (JSON) a una tabla de html. La variable de formulario es una collection java de datos complejos.

Hola a toda la comunidad de Bonita, soy nuevo en Bonita 7.2 y cualquier ayuda será agradecida.
Espero que tengan un buen día.

Este es el problema:
Creé un custom widget(widget persomalizado), con una tabla tipo <table> de HTML, y le paso un parámetro que es una collection de datos complejos, y siempre obtengo un erro de Angular de parseo, que también adjunto al final.
Estoy mostrando en un campo de texto el JSON con los valores, y es correcto.

I have an error when I map a form variable (JSON) to a table(HTML table tag). The form variable is a collection of complex data.

Hello to the hole Bonita community, I’m new in Bonita 7.2, any help will be appreciated.
I hope you a nice day.
This is the problem:

I created a custom Widget with an HTML table, I use a parameter, a Collection of Complex Data that I pass to the widget and I try to show it in the wdget But I always get an error.
I'm watching the vaue of the collection in a text field and it is a correct JSON.
This is the tempalte code:
