
"An error has occured. See the log file null." while starting a second instance

Hello there,

I just installed Bonita Studio Community 2022.1 on a Windows Server 2016.

I can start Bonita without any problems but as soon as a second user (on the same server) wants to start the application the following error message appears. (keep in mind both users are on the same server and want to work parallel.)

"An error has occured. See the log file null."

New Log SEVER ! about h2 in Studio

Hi everyone!

Have a good time!

In new Release i have new sever log in Engine-Log Studio :


07-Feb-2021 22:49:57.429 SEVERE [http-nio-51362-exec-5] org.bonitasoft.engine.business.data.generator.EntityCodeGenerator.determineDbVendor sysprop.bonita.bdm.db.vendor is not set. This should not happen at runtime. Defaulting to h2.


Can you guide me ?

Best Regards,


Bonitasoft Logging

Hi guys, a noob question here, so I was reading the documentation about logging and saw this example:

import org.slf4j.Logger;
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;
Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger("org.bonitasoft.groovy.script.my_int_init_script");
logger.debug("Set initial value of process variable using Groovy script");
return Integer.valueOf(3 + 5);

frederic.krebs's picture

Webapp to read and download log file of the Bonitasoft plateform

This app will enable tech user to get the container logs without using a file system access

Configure * Remove dev context files : webapp/logs/META-INF/context.dev.xml and web.dev.xml * Edit the authorized user/password in webapp/logs/META-INF/users.xml * Edit the context.xml * Edit the param-value of the logsDirectory context-param to point to your container log folder

Deploy * Copy the webapp/logs folder into your container folder

Releases for Log Web Interface

Total downloads: 2 154
Version BonitaBPM Version Post date Download Link to content
02.07.00 6.x, 5.x 2015-Jun-12 Download
Release note


Salut à tous, lors du lancement du dev d'un connector, j'ai une ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException qui est levée. Je n'ai pas de stacktrace dans les logs. Comment y avoir accès ? Merci :)
