
add/remove collection row inside the modal widget


I use a collection widget to show store products. After selecting a product, a modal form pens for showing other product specifications, in this step user can add product to her/his cart. If already the product exists in her/his cart, I show remove/edit button. For remove button, Item to remove is $item, but it doesn’t work.

I doubt this is because of modal, is it true?

I already have used collocation remove button, but now it doesn’t work.

I use Bonita Community version 2021.1.

Many thanks for your time.

How I can do that a modal window work?

I follow the steps that you describe in the documentation to create a modal window, but doesn't work. the modal always appear at start the preview in UI Designer and the buttons don't work too.

Please, can you help me?

Christian Acosta
