

Hi all,
I am working with a connector to fetch data from an external db and to save it using a JsonBuilder.
The excerpt of the groovy script looks like this:

Get blob from mysql with groovy

I have a simple table with these fields:

BonitaBPMCommunity-7.3.3-Tomcat-7.0.67 and Mysql connection error when not in use for long time?

I change configuration for BonitaBPMCommunity-7.3.3-Tomcat-7.0.67 to connect with mysql it is work fine but when the application idle there is no work on it give me error you must add 'autoReconnect=true' so I add it in the url:

but it is give me another error like this:

how to do BonitaBPMCommunity-6.0.0 mysql database connection

Hi team,

i created mysql database name(bonita)

i removed this line (


andthis a files name(bitronix-resources.xml) i disable h2 database connection ofter that add mysql example

this is my system path (C:\BonitaBPMCommunity-6.0.0\workspace\tomcat\conf\Catalina\localhost) Inside bonita.xml(i disable h2 database connection ofter that add mysql example)

Mysql Integration Issue

Hi all, I need to integrate Bonita with mysql to handle the engine data and the business data, for this I follow the instructions of following sections of documentation:
Tomcat bundle installation
Platform configuration
Database configuration for engine data
Database configuration for business data

Anyway while I try to create any business object, ("Development" menu "Business Data Model" Option "Manage" suboptión ), i.e., add a business object and press finish button it appears the following error:

Problemas integracion con mysql

Saludos, necesito integrar Bonita con Mysql para que maneje la persistencia de datos (Engine Data) y los datos del negocio (Business Data), para ello sigo las instrucciones de las siguientes secciones de la documentación:
Tomcat bundle installation
Platform configuration
Database configuration for engine data
Database configuration for business data

Connecting a mySQL database


I'm extremely new when it comes to Bonita BPM and am having troubles connecting to my MySQL database. I can't seem to find any guides out there that are for the most recent version of Bonita BPM. Could someone give me a short tutorial and help walk me through what I need to do?

Thanks for your time,

Setup Information:

Driver: com.mysql.jdbc.Driver
URL: jdbc:mysql://localhost:3306/firstdatabase

Query: select * from testing where test_id = 'testingquery';

How to send data form into mysql database?

I would like to save data from form into mysql database, and i'm trying to get the values from a mysql DB into a select list as possible values.

Problem starting Bonita 7.0.0 + Tomcat + MySQL

Hi, I am trying to run Bonita/Tomcat using MySQL but it seems some problems encountered while initializing the platform and I don't know where I should check..
I followed every detail as said in Bonita documentation

Normally after init I should get "" run "" .. it's not the case as you can see in the log file and I don't know what the problem might be.


Reinstall Bonita server

¿How to make bonita server reuse an already created database by a former bonita server installation?
Tried to make a clean installation using an already created MySQL database, got a tenant Id exception seems like the server can´t create the default tenant1.
