
Fill table from mysql


I try to show in a Table thez result of a query in mysql.

Table : Id, titre, description, date_ajout

I woul'd like to show the result in the table row by row like that:

1 | titre1 | desc1 | 2016-02-19
2 | titre2 | desc2 | 2016-02-19
3 | titre3 | desc3 | 2016-02-19

And not

[1,2,3] | [titre1,titre2,titre3] | [desc1,desc2,desc3] | [2016-02-19,2016-02-19,2016-02-19]

How can I do that?


Bonitasoft tomcat bundle-Mysql error.

After i configure bonitasoft tomcat bundle v.7.1.5 to use Mysql on Windows when i try localhost:8080/bonita i get this error.

Node not started. Method 'org.bonitasoft.engine.api.LoginAPI.login' cannot be called until node has been started (PlatformAPI.startNode()). Exact class: org.bonitasoft.engine.api.impl.LoginApiImpl

Problem insert data into mysql


I try to insert data in a database mysql, but i don't arrive to do it!

Can somebody explain step by step how to do it?

Use Bonitasoft 7.1.5 and mysql


Bonita Portal form does not run after recovering database tables


I ran a database backup script to recover the tables in my database. After recovering the tables, my form in the Bonita Portal does not run. I get this error: Error while getting the form page list. My form ran before I recovered the database tables. Does anyone know why I'm getting this error after running the database backup?

Where i can get simple View, Insert, Update, Delete tutorial using bonita with MySQL?

Hello... i'm still newbie with Bonita, I need tutorial how to make web service using bonita to View (in table), Insert, Update, and Delete data from MySQL database using JDBC Connector.
Where I can get the tutorial?
Tutorial with any bonita version 7.x, 6.x, 5.x will much appreciated...

How to call process variable into user interface in bonita 7 [ need tutorial ]

Hello guys,

I'm interested about BPM and I've installed bonita 5 and 7 in my computer.
I've created my process business into bpm modeling, and now i'm in phase of developing my business process into application ( UI Designer ).
In my modeling process, i've created a process variable ( Java Object - java.util.List [No Coding, Just Created] ) to stored my MySQL - query ( Created using Graphical Connector In ).

Error while running migration script tool

I've ran the migration script to migrate my platform from 6.3.2 to 7 and in the sequence of steps, I get an error:

Failed to execute:
[ Migrating 2/7 ]
| Description : Update Business Data
DROP TABLE ref_biz_data_inst
because: Cannot delete or update a parent row: a foreign key constraint fails

Before running the migration script, I backed up mySQL database. I ran the backup SQL script which ran successfully.

Problema al conectar Bonitasoft - mysql

Amigos, tengo un problema al conectar bonita a mysql, al ejecutar startup.bat me crea las tablas correspondientes en la base de datos pero en las tablas theme y tenant no me escribe ningun dato, dejandolas en blanco. Además no me permite iniciar el portal porque me da el aviso de que el usuario no tiene asignado perfil.

Lo peor es que con las mismas configuraciones, el mismo diagrama y la misma organización arranca todo sin problema en otro equipo.

Por favor ayudenme con este problema.


[resolved] Bonita platform 7.1 - bundle Tomcat - No technical user afer switching to MySql database

Hello everybody.

I've installed Bonita platform, and followed the doc about the database configuration to switch to mysql.
I think it works, because my "bonita" table fills when I start tomcat.

But on the logon webpage, I can't log with the install/install user, neither the platformAdmin/platform user...

I tried to modify the file, without success...

Is anybody can help me ?

Duplicate entry '1-79-ACTIVITY_INSTANCE-seEmitieronPasajes' for key 'tenantid'


We have installed BonitaBPMCommunity-6.2.3-Tomcat-6.0.37, in the startup we have the follow error:
