
How to handle big business data in bonita studio?


I already had a question regarding this matter, but it was more of a the front end side problem.

I have and object (A) and this object has a lot of objects (B list, about 10 000 objects).

What i want to do is manipulate A object, but at the moment i dont need the B objects, i just want to modify the A object.

In the business data definition i have set B to multiple and aggregation with the setting only load when needed.

Adding new Entity to Database from MainPage


I have an application, that should add one row (entity) into the business data modells datatable, but from the main page.
I tried creating an insert query, but probably that is not possible. My other approach was using rest api extension, I thought it would be as easy as creating a new entity in the studio, with groovy script, but all I could create is a simple object, it wasnt saved in the database.

How can set the fixed dates as a multiple dates list in timer condition?


I am developing on a kind of scheduler process.

Manager created multiple tasks which have a due date. Whenever the due date reaches I would like to send a notification to the user and manager at the same time.

I returned the due dates into a process variable as an object, however, in the timer condition, only allowed java.util.Date type.

is it possible to set the fixed dates as multiple dates in the groovy script?

In the case of my process, how to approach the solution?

I am sorry the question is vague.

Form data not passed to business variable

Hello All,

My process have a simple business object / variable. I have created a simple script that returns the new instance with the default values for the mandatory fields.

I have created an instantiation form with a simple text field, according to the contract defined for the instantiation step (object.attribute), but the value is never passed to the business variable. It's like the variables is instantiated AFTER the form as been invoked and submitted.

If I take a loot at the database, I see the default data returned in my script.
