
Has anyone faced the ORA-01691 unable to extend lob segment problem?


we are using bonita bpm community edition 7.7.4 with an oracle 12c enterprise database.
We started with a fresh user schema, but after a few weeks of usage the error occured the first time.

Right now bonita tries to extend the lobsegment area by ~ 5GB of data... which is (even with the autoextend options) not possible...

We have removed all active process instances, but the problem still comes up...

Anyone has or had the same problem or can anyone tell me where to find the data, which our bonita node tries to write into the database?

Erroneous data stored in Oracle Tables

Hello everyone,

I have a data model that has two fields of date type, through two date widget the user chooses a start date and an end date. During the process the chosen date is fine, but when stored in an Oracle table both dates are stored with a previous day that was chosen day. Does anyone know why this happens and how I can fix it ?. I'd appreciate it very much.


