rewrite url

To change an URL, rewriting

Hi everybody ,

I want to share with you the issue that I have which is the way to use bonita community in my company.
Do you think if it is possible for me to change url http://adrIP:8080/bonita to http://workshop.drak.corp

I really have a serious problem knowing that I want to ease the situation to users.

I will be very pleased to accept your help.

Best regards

Url Rewrite

Bonjour a tous,
je travail sur Bonita depuis la version 5 mais juste en version community.
actuellement j'aimerais raccourci l'url qui est :

en http://mywork/portal........etc

en résumé comment faire pour enlever le bonita d'ans l'url et utiliser un nom plus facile pour mes utilisateurs finals

merci d'avance
