smtp connector

SMTP connector not working


I've using an SMTP connector in my process where I provide a username and password. SSL is disabled. In my process, a form is submitted and an email is supposed to be sent. However, it's not working. Without the authentication, email works. Currently, my SMTP server accepts open relay. However, this is changing soon so I need to provide authentication in the Bonitasoft software.

In the logs this is what I see:

AuthenticationFailedException error.

Simple example with SMTP connector

Hi everyone,

I am quite new to Bonita. I have been trying to setup a connector for sending email from a Gmail account. I have read many tutorials which all seem quite straight forward and followed the same steps. However, after clicking the Test button, I keep getting the error message provided underneath.

Bonita Server 7.2.4 SMTP Connector error

Problem with smt connector in Bonita Server, logs show the following exception:
