
How filter tasks in a custom application using default task list resource

In a custom app that implement custompage_tasklist, we want to use the task filter by parameter like we can do using the portal home page like that:
We try use the same in our app url for task, but it's never filter the tasks:

Lista de Tareas

En el portal en ejecución, es posible que la lista de tareas se está actualizando automáticamente cada cierto tiempo?, para que las tareas aparezcan solas sin necesidad de darle "reload"?

Task List Bonita Studio

Is there any way to get a list of the active tasks for a specific case in the bonita studio, through groovy?. I know there are api at the forms, but this form would not help me for what I need.
I've been searching among the groovy methods but I do not see any of what I need, I only see mostly to get user information.

Any idea about this? Thanks in advance.


