
cacher bonita dans l'url

Bonjour, j'ai mis le serveur bonita derrière un apache selon l'exemple : https://documentation.bonitasoft.com/bonita/2022.1/runtime/reverse-proxy...

sauf que mes urls sont réécrite toujours avec bonita dedans

je souhaite cacher bonita dans l'url et avoir

url a formulario

Hola, estoy intentando desde una página, mediante un link, ir a un formulario. Lo he intentado siguiendo la documentación de bonita pero por alguna razón se me queda la página en blanco, utilizando tanto el nombre de la tarea como su id que he conseguido averiguar. Igualmente con el proceso he intentado a través de su id y de su nombre, pero nada, he realizado multiples convinaciones pero no doy con ello

parameter url

hi, i would like to know how to get the value of a parameter passed by url from a page to the studio.
I am working with bonita bpm 7.4


Is it safe to use REST API Login with password in the URL

Hi guys,

The title is pretty clear : we have a doubt concerning security when we see that the Login REST API sends the user's password in the URL.

Access process variable from link or button

Hi guys :)
maybe you can help me.
i have a process variable called "bookURL" with the site url of one book (http://www... etc).
i want to show a link or a button in one form so when the user click them, he will be redirected to the site, but i cannot do it.
If i show the variable in one input, everything is ok .. but, i dont know how to put that variable in one "link" or "button" as a external link.


Changing the url path on my application

Hello everyone,

I'm using version 6.4.0 and on the final leg of deployment.
Right now there is one more things that I need to do that is of critical importance:

Currently to access my application I need to go to /bonita
However I'm trying to do change it so that the application is on the root path. In order words, I want it so that to access it I only need to go to www..com (with no /bonita, for example, if my host was bananas, to go to my app it would be www.bananas.com)

how past a value direct to the form


I need start a process through the initial form, but i need to submit a data. I have been trying passing the value through the url like a parameter and defining a varible url in the form but doesnt work for me.

how can i do this

Unable to set Autologin feature in 7.1.4


I am trying to set the pool level auto-login feature for a bonita form . I have created the username and password for the anonymous user(at pool level) and created a URL in the format of : (Note:Project Initiation is the pool name and 1.4.0 is the bos version and process = process Id ).

Create Application

When I want to create an application I follow the steps well and I click on the Create button, but no application is displayed in the application list.
What should I enter for URL? Is that the problem ?
Thank you

How to change the default URL from "localhost:8080/bonita" to "localhost:8080"?


I tried to change the Bonita BPM (Community - Version 7.1.3) default URL, from "http://localhost:8080/bonita" to "http://localhost:8080/", but I did not succeed.

I always get the following error: "org.bonitasoft.console.common.server.utils.DefaultTenantIdException".

I followed every single suggestions that I found on the Community website, and other websites also, but with no success.
