
How are UI designer Artifacts saved in Bonita server ?

Good afternoon everyone , I just wanna ask a question about UI designer Artifact , how they are saved in Bonita server ?!

Where can I add options for "Select" witget on UI designer

I´m trying to create a form where the user can select the number of the house and room that is renting.
but I don't know where can I add the houses to display that information clicking on the bar.
Please tell me where should I add those alternatives to display them as options.

* house 1
* house 2
* house 3


Select Widget - How to pass two values ?

Hey guys,
In a select widget you can set the displayed key (in my case: E-Book), returned key (in my case: 490$) and the value (in my case $item.price).

My problem is, that I need to fill two variable, because on the next page I want to see what the customer choosed and what the price is. For now, I only see the price.
How can I set the name of the product (->E-Book) and the price (->50$), by selecting "E-Book"?

Can't get document by url or id

Hey guys,
I read this: https://documentation.bonitasoft.com/6.x-7.2/documents-0 and tried to implement this but faild.
I tried two ways, that I will show you and maybe some of you can help me and say what the next steps could be.

First try:
I got the url of my pdf, its: documentDownload?fileName=BookOne.pdf&contentStorageId=1643

SELECT widget selected value

Hi All,

I have a SELECT widget that works perfectly, except for the fact that it doesn't display the current default value. It always defaults to the placeholder value.

This SELECT has the following parameters:

Placeholder: "Select an option..."

Available values: type_list, an external API variable that returns this JSON structure
