Data science and BPM


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Hey Nour,

Thanks again for your intervention.

I will not hesitate to share it with you when done.

Best regards.

By the way I have a preocupation right now,

1.I have already drawn my BPMN diagram and configure all what has to be done, I did it by following tutorals from the YouTube channel:Bonita Camp, but I have a problem, when an actor of the task submits a task, the next actor incharge of receiving it doesnot receive it. May you help please?

Diagramme link:


2.Also I have another question: From the Hierarchical Superior from my diagram above, the superior has to accept or deny the mission set by the mission initiator, how could I impliment that part? Possible outcomes please.

3.For email connector, during the execution of the process, does an actor write an email and send to the next actor or the email has to be pre-write and goes automatically?

Hi Christ,

Here are my answers to your questions:

1- Maybe there's something wrong with the configuration of the connectors. Did you test if they're working properly? 

2- It's a human task. You can add a form to let the superior decide (approve/decline or yes/no) and store the value in a variable. This variable is then used in the condition on the exclusive gateway branches.

3- Email should be pre-write, however you can insert the values of your "variables" in the email text body by clicking on "Insert a variable" as shown in the image below. Now if you want to write an email during the execution of the process, you can let the user write the email text in a "form", store the value in a "text" variable and use this variable in your email connector message text. You should just make sure that this variable is filled before the connector is executed.


Hey Nour,

Sorry for all my questions.

Okay I want to reassure myself that I understand what you are telling me. 

1.If I create the business variable that will handle the response I also have to create a table in my BDM that stores its responses too?
2. In my form I work with two buttons, one to accept and one to refuse or just one button will enough?

3.How to link the superior's answer with my Gateway?

Thanks i will work it out

Since the question is not related to the original one, please submit it in a new question to have better visibility and therefore higher chance of receiving community answers.

Already created a new question entitled: bonita application deploiement
