WebServiceWeather says "The case 1 has been started" instead of showing me the weather.


I am trying the weather web service tutorial.

When I enter City=MIAMI, Country=USA, it doesn't show the weather. Instead it shows

WebServiceWeather User1 Logout Bonita BPM Portal RED LINE The case 1 has been started.

No task available fot this case.

Thanks for helping!


Submitted by haris.subasic on Tue, 11/04/2014 - 17:55

Would you be so kind to put a url to the tutorial that you use, so we can have a look at what went wrong? Thanks

Submitted by gpscruise on Tue, 11/04/2014 - 18:04
Submitted by haris.subasic on Tue, 11/04/2014 - 18:13

Thanks. As administrator, can you see if there is a pending task Display weather? Are there any failed tasks? Are there any errors in the log (Studio - go to menu Help - choose Engine log)? In case of an error, you can post it here.

Submitted by gpscruise on Tue, 11/04/2014 - 18:27

I need to learn more about actors. No clue how to login as admin. I did: Logout Login Administrator bpm admin bpm

both login attempts failed....

thanks for helping!

Submitted by gpscruise on Tue, 11/04/2014 - 18:41
Submitted by gpscruise on Tue, 11/04/2014 - 18:57

I logged in as INSTALL as described here :

I created a new User2 as admin. I logged out and back in as User2 It says Access denied: you do not have the rights to view this page.

Also, I log in as User2 and under Apps Management, I don't see any tasks anywhere in Opened, Archived, WebServiceWeather.

1 answer

This one is the BEST answer!


I just create the process (using Bonita Studio Community 6.3.7) following the official documentation guidelines and it just run fine (test with country: France, city: Grenoble). You can get my version of the process from Dropbox.

Edit: issue was due to HTTP proxy. You need to be able to have direct HTTP connection from the computer that running Bonita Engine in order to successfully run the Web Service connector. I don't have yet an accurate status about Web Service connector compatibility with HTTP proxy.

Edit 2: Web Service connector is associated with the first step of the process. When you start the process, process initialization run asynchronously and you immediately get a confirmation message about process case creation. Process execution will moved to first step, run the connector and then make the step available to end user. Case start confirmation page will be updated when task is available to end user (confirmation page does some polling on Bonita Engine in order to know if a task is available for current user). If connector (on so first task) failed you get the confirmation of case start but no link to first step.


Submitted by gpscruise on Wed, 11/05/2014 - 15:53

Thanks Antoine. Can you perhaps email attachment it to gpscruise@gmail.com (I cant get to dropbox)

Submitted by gpscruise on Wed, 11/05/2014 - 21:47

Thanks for the email. I imported your *.bos. It still doesn't show the weather, instead it shows this: no weather, only task...

Submitted by antoine.mottier on Thu, 11/06/2014 - 14:05

Can you:

  • Clean up the Bonita Engine log file
  • Run again the process once
  • And finally share the log file content?

What might be an issue is the usage of a HTTP proxy that prevent the connection to the WebService. The current web service connector might (I'm not really sure about it) not be compatible with usage of HTTP proxy.

I would recommend to do a test in a network that doesn't require usage of HTTP proxy.

If you confirm that issue is related to HTTP proxy, you might want to develop your own web service connector based on the existing one. You should search for information about how to use JAX-WS and HTTP proxy.

Submitted by antoine.mottier on Thu, 11/06/2014 - 16:17

Log file doesn't include enough details to find root cause of the issue. That due to a known issue in the log level use for log production.

What I recommend is to change the log level for org.bonitasoft to FINE and run the test again.

Submitted by gpscruise on Tue, 11/11/2014 - 18:21

removing unwanted pictures

Submitted by gpscruise on Tue, 11/11/2014 - 18:22

I changed the log level and sent the logs to you.

No word since 5 days now? Can I pay someone on freelancer to help me fix this? What are newbie options?


Submitted by gpscruise on Wed, 11/12/2014 - 16:52

I have a proxy as you suspected. Thanks for helping me discover it. Q: You mentioned me "write my own connector", BUT is there any chance I can forgo that and instead your this screen somehow?? Thanks for helping

< alt !-- Images -->

Submitted by antoine.mottier on Wed, 11/12/2014 - 18:22

Proxy might be configured at different level with different options. From top to bottom:

  • Bonita Studio / Eclipse
    • Direct (no proxy)
    • Manual (manual host and port configuration)
    • Native (inherit from Java and/or OS)
  • Java in Windows Control Panel (General -> Network Settings)
    • Web browser settings (inherit from OS)
    • Use proxy server (manual host and port configuration)
    • Configuration script
    • Direct connection (no proxy)
  • OS (in Internet Explorer settings on Windows)
    • Direct connection (no proxy)
    • Auto-detect
    • Configuration script
    • Manual configuration (manual host and port configuration)

In your case, I assume proxy is enable at OS level. Can you please confirm? (you can refer to Microsoft documentation) So I would recommend to set the Java and Bonita Studio to inherit from OS settings. Meaning set Java configuration to "Web browser settings" and Bonita Studio to "Native".

What we want here is to make sure that Web Service connector use the HTTP proxy. The fact that HTTP connection timeout lead me to believe that Web Service connector try to do direct connection to Web Service server. Such direct connection is probably not allowed in your company.

If the first option I suggest here doesn't work, you might want to try to duplicate the configuration done at OS level in Java and in Bonita Studio settings.

Submitted by gpscruise on Thu, 12/18/2014 - 17:24

You are correct, we set the proxy by going into IE. Q: How do I set what you suggested? Thanks for helping! images http://www.wikispeedia.org/bonitasoft/1218a.png http://www.wikispeedia.org/bonitasoft/1218b.png http://www.wikispeedia.org/bonitasoft/1218c.png

Submitted by antoine.mottier on Thu, 12/18/2014 - 18:34

In this configuration screen: http://www.wikispeedia.org/bonitasoft/1218a.png, in the drop down list, try to select "Native" instead of "Direct".

For Java, open Windows Control Panel, double click on Java icon and go to General -> Network Settings and finally select "Web browser settings"

Submitted by gpscruise on Thu, 12/18/2014 - 19:03

I put in NATIVE then APPLY, but it won't stick. EG, if I hit BACK, then Proxy again, it shows "Direct".... Is there a screenshot somewhere of what that screen looked like with factory defaults? (I have messed with Proxy screen too much).

Submitted by gpscruise on Fri, 12/19/2014 - 16:34

I installed 6.4.0 Community Edition on a different (win XP) box (not at work, but rather from my home). There is no proxy, just DSL internet connection. I ran the *.bos which you had emailed me on Nov 5. It gave the same results, namely it went to a page saying "started a new case" instead of showing me the weather. I emailed you a picture.

I installed Bonitasoft community edition on a Win 8 machine at my home. I imported the *.bos sent to me on Nov 5. It gave the same results namely, instead of showing the weather, it said "new case started".

Q: What do I have to do to demo this to my fortune 100 boss? Is there a different service I could try instead of the weather one? Is there a payment option I can pay to get this fixed?

Also, You had said that it worked fine on your computer. Can you elaborate or post a video on youtube perhaps?

Thanks for helping! Jim

Submitted by antoine.mottier on Thu, 01/15/2015 - 16:54

In order to understand why a connector execution failed I recommend to share the Bonita Engine log file. You can get it in Studio Help menu.

You get the "new case started" message because case (i.e. a process instance) can successfully start but the first step (the one that include the Web Service connector) failed (due to connector execution failure).

Submitted by gpscruise on Thu, 01/15/2015 - 17:18

Hi Antoine, Thanks for the reply.

I ran it at home as follows: It says "The case has been started". BUT If I wait 5 seconds, then magically under that "case started" sentence, I see a LINK which shows weather! The other issue was, yes as you said, I have to use big-cities or the result looks like confusing garbage. The garbage makes it look like bonitasoft is broken but in reality its the weather.com which is wrong (as you mentioned).... (Lessons learned...)

I will try to get it installed at work on a WindowsServer box. I assume it runs on Windows as well as Linux. My boss will be resistant, but I will work on him.....

Thanks Antoine, Mark this as closed! -Jim

Submitted by matmati2emna on Tue, 02/10/2015 - 15:44

I have error "process execution failed during deployment" !! How to fix the error?

Submitted by antoine.mottier on Mon, 02/23/2015 - 09:59

Can you please share the content of Engine log file available in Studio - go to menu Help - choose Engine log?

Please avoid to paste directly log file content in the comments, use a file sharing solution instead.


Submitted by matmati2emna on Sat, 03/21/2015 - 01:24

1)Comment comparer deux valeurs numériques : une c'est une valeur du formulaire et l'autre c'est une valeur récupérée a partir d'une base de donnée? 2)Comment récupérer une valeur a partir d'une base de donnée ?

Submitted by ttoine on Mon, 03/23/2015 - 16:34

Bonjour, nous avons créé une nouvelle question pour ça, ici:
