Examples / Contributions

Olivier Delcroix's picture
Olivier Delcroix

This multiInstantiator works with a String input variable. According to the separator you define, it splits it into a serie of tokens. It instantiates the task n times passing to each of those tasks one token.

It is also possible to define a threshold (in pourcentage) to control how many tasks must be realized to continue the process (by default 100% - all of them).

edouard.lafon's picture

This connector takes as input the description of a payment transaction, and returns an URL at PayPal to process this transaction. It uses the basic PayPal Forms Web API (https://www.x.com/docs/DOC-1332), and does not have a dependency.

romain.bioteau's picture

This filter permits to choose the candidates for a task regarding a list of tasks already performed by the candidate

Olivier Delcroix's picture
Olivier Delcroix

This process provide a sample of multi instantiation feature. It uses a multiInstantiator called SplitString you can find in the multiInstantiator contributions.

The use case is very simple : An user enter a list of guest for his/her party then the system multi instantiate a task for each guest to send them a mail (simulated).

Have fun !

yeti's picture

This connector retrieves all the user that match a list of roles.

aurelien.pupier's picture

This connector allow to retrieve all recently uploaded photos.

You need to add next google dependency jar files in order to execute this connector: - activation.jar - gdata-core-.jar - gdata-media-.jar - gdata-photos-.jar - google-collect-.jar - mail.jar You can find these jar files in the gdata distribution: http://code.google.com/p/gdata-java-client/downloads/list

This connector is in category "Google".

aurelien.pupier's picture

This connector allow to retrieve all photos of a user.

You need to add next google dependency jar files in order to execute this connector: - activation.jar - gdata-core-.jar - gdata-media-.jar - gdata-photos-.jar - google-collect-.jar - mail.jar You can find these jar files in the gdata distribution: http://code.google.com/p/gdata-java-client/downloads/list

This connector is in category "Google".

aurelien.pupier's picture

This connector allow to retrieve all photos from an album.

You need to add next google dependency jar files in order to execute this connector: - activation.jar - gdata-core-.jar - gdata-media-.jar - gdata-photos-.jar - google-collect-.jar - mail.jar You can find these jar files in the gdata distribution: http://code.google.com/p/gdata-java-client/downloads/list

This connector is in category "Google".

aurelien.pupier's picture

This connector allow you to create a new album on PicasaWeb.

You need to add next google dependency jar files in order to execute this connector: - activation.jar - gdata-core-.jar - gdata-media-.jar - gdata-photos-.jar - google-collect-.jar - mail.jar You can find these jar files in the gdata distribution: http://code.google.com/p/gdata-java-client/downloads/list

This connector is in category "Google"

aurelien.pupier's picture

This connector allow to retrieve album list of a user.

You need to add next google dependency jar files in order to execute this connector: - activation.jar - gdata-core-.jar - gdata-media-.jar - gdata-photos-.jar - google-collect-.jar - mail.jar You can find these jar files in the gdata distribution: http://code.google.com/p/gdata-java-client/downloads/list

This connector is in category "Google".

pigbar's picture

First version for the Voicent callRemove connector. This connector takes a call's reqID as input parameter and remove the record from the Voicent Gateway Server. If your call is still in plan it will be also remove.

You need Voicent Gateway configured in a host machine.

pigbar's picture

This is a first version for the Voicent Gateway connector: callText. This connector makes a phone call with a text message as input. Just set the host (localhost), the port (8155), set the phone number (1234567), set the message ("My new call"), set if the record will be self deleted from the Voicent Gateway and... have fun!!

You need Voicent Gateway configured in host machine.

pigbar's picture

The first version for the Voicent callStatus connector. This connector gets an call reqID as input parameter and returns the call's status. The returned status may be one of the following: "Call Made" it means your call was successful made. "Call Failed" it means your call has failed. "Call Will Retry" it means your call is going to retry again. "" it means your call is still on plan and you have to retry for check status later.

You need Voicent Gateway Configured in a host machine.

baptiste.mesta's picture

A simple process that let the user book a meeting room. The user can then view his bookings and remove or add new ones, it also ensure that there can't be two booking in the same meeting room at the same time.

This example use advanced groovy script, customized form and custom connectors to persist data.

Data are serialized using xstream and stored in a file called MRB_db in order to allow running this example without any database configuration.

matthieu.chaffotte's picture

This set of connectors create charts from data and save charts on your file system as an image.

Dependencies : - jfreechart-1.0.13.jar (http://sourceforge.net/project/jfreechart/files/) - jcommon-1.0.15.jar (http://sourceforge.net/project/jfreechart/files/3.%20JCommon/)

edouard.lafon's picture

Connector to execute a query on an SQLite DB

[b]Dependencies[/b] : -SQLite-JDBC, tested with v3.6.20.1 : [url]http://www.xerial.org/maven/repository/artifact/org/xerial/sqlite-jdbc/3...

To read the result of a SELECT query use the Groovy script below in the edit Form (with a list for example) return resultat.toList("colum_name")

nicolas.chabanoles's picture

This connector allows you to log data in the default Bonita engine's log file (i.e, within the studio: help>Show Engine log).

Data can be either variables or groovy expressions.

Usage: - Source: the source of the log, e.g., the name of the step that generates the log. - Data: * column1: the name of the variable / expression to log. * column2: the value of the variable / expression to log.

You can enter as much data as you want.

baptiste.mesta's picture

Allow reading or writing values from a CSV file. Usefull for getting or saving test values.

Dependencies: csv4j-0.4.0.jar from http://sourceforge.net/project/csv4j/files/

pigbar's picture

This a simple connector for the well know Tesseract-OCR engine. It gets a simple not compressed TIF image file as input and produce the text for the given image file.

The connector works with the following parameters: The PATH for the tesseract-ocr engine, example: /usr/bin/tesseract , (c:\tools\tesseract.exe) The NAME of the variable for the attached TIF image file, example: ${myAttch.getName()} The NAME for the output file, example: myOcrFile The LANGUAGE for the TIF image file, example: en (English), es (Spanish), etc.

romain.bioteau's picture

This filter let you use a groovy script to filter your actors. It takes in input a set of String bind in the variable candidates, and must return a set of String.

Here is a simple example :

def result = [] candidates.each { if(it ==~ /Romain.*/) result.add(it) }

result as Set

This example parse the candidates in input and return a Set of String matching the regex (name beginning by Romain)

KNOWN LIMITATION : Your script must not use the groovy markers '${' and '}' (set by the editor)

edouard.lafon's picture

If you need to send SMS from your process using Clickatell SMS Gateway, this connector is done for you.

Your should have Clickatell account and available credit.

You need to add smsj-20051126.jar file in order to execute this connector. Download it from http://smsj.sourceforge.net

edouard.lafon's picture

This connector allows to upload a document on a CouchDB using process variables. It supports Bonita attachments as CouchDB attachments.

Its dependencies are: * activation-1.1.1.jar * commons-beanutils-1.8.0.jar * commons-codec-1.3.jar * commons-io-1.4.jar * httpclient-4.0.jar * httpcore-4.0.1.jar * jcl-over-slf4j-1.5.6.jar * jcouchdb-0.10.0-3.jar * log4j-1.2.14.jar * slf4j-api-1.5.6.jar * slf4j-log4j12-1.5.6.jar * svenson-1.3.6.jar

edouard.lafon's picture

If you need to send text message to Jabber, this connector is done for you.

You need to add next jar files in order to execute this connector: smack.jar smackx.jar

from http://www.igniterealtime.org/downloads/download-landing.jsp?file=smack/...

This connector is in category "Messaging"

edouard.lafon's picture

If you need to translate text, this connector is done for you.

You need to add next jar file in order to execute this connector: http://google-api-translate-java.googlecode.com/files/google-api-transla...

This connector is in category "Google"

edouard.lafon's picture

If you need to send text message to google talk , this connector is done for you.

Your sender should be in receiver contact list to receive message.

You need to add next jar files in order to execute this connector: smack.jar smackx.jar

from http://www.igniterealtime.org/downloads/download-landing.jsp?file=smack/...

This connector is in category "Google"

romain.bioteau's picture

This connector allowed to retrieve user informations

To make it work you must add those libs in your studio : - Java Facebook API 3.0.2 : http://code.google.com/p/facebook-java-api/downloads/list

edouard.lafon's picture

A simple connector to Publish message to JMS Topic. In comments you can find configuration sample screenshot.

romain.bioteau's picture

This connector allowed to retrieve a facebook user friend list.

To make it work you must add those libs in your studio : - Java Facebook API 3.0.2 : http://facebook-java-api.googlecode.com/files/facebook-java-api-3.0.2-bi... - HTTPComponents 4.0.1 with dependencies : http://apache.multidist.com/httpcomponents/httpclient/binary/httpcompone...

edouard.lafon's picture

This is an implementation of the Eclipse Due Diligence Process (http://www.eclipse.org/legal/EclipseLegalProcessPoster.pdf), that is used by the Eclipse committers and foundation to manage contributions license and IP.

It highlights usage of Groovy and forms customization. It also uses HTML templates to change the style of generated forms.

rlg's picture

Your a fan of twitter and in your process you want to remove a user in a friends list? Well, with this connector, it's easy: provide the account information and the desired user name you want to unfollow.

You can find this connector in category "Social"

rlg's picture

Your a fan of twitter and in your process you want to test if 2 users are friends? Well this connector is done for you! Just need to provide the account information and the 2 user names you want to test.

You can find this connector in category "Social"

rlg's picture

You want to retrieve the users that wrote the tweets you found and multi instanciate a step of your process with these users. You have the solution here. This MultiInstanciator connector will return the list of users and the join number will be the number of users in this list.

You can find this connector in category "Social".

rlg's picture

If you need to upload an image into your Picasa web album, this connector is done for you.

You need to add next google dependency jar files in order to execute this connector: - activation.jar - gdata-core-.jar - gdata-media-.jar - gdata-photos-.jar - google-collect-.jar - mail.jar You can find these jar files in the gdata distribution: http://code.google.com/p/gdata-java-client/downloads/list

This connector is in category "Google"

rlg's picture

This connector allows you to get properties from a file that is in your classpath. This connector is very usefull if you want to store a configuration for your process. In this case, you just have to put the configuration in a properties file and get values when you instanciate your process via this connector.

You will find this connector in the java category.

To get a specific properties, just edit the ouput groovy script of your connector and use the method getProperty(String). Example: properties.getProperty "myProperty"

edouard.lafon's picture

Connector to read RSS and Atom feeds. Licence : GPL 2. Dependencies : -ROME v1.0+ : [url]http://wiki.java.net/bin/view/Javawsxml/Rome[/url] -JDOM 1.0 : [url]http://www.jdom.org/[/url]

rlg's picture

This connector perform a search on Twitter social network.

To use it, you've just to provide a query like '#bos5' or 'bonitasoft'. This connector returns a list of twitter4j.Twitter (see http://twitter4j.org/ja/javadoc/twitter4j/Tweet.html ).

ttoine's picture

This Connector allows you to leverage the Mule ESB, allowing you to use ALL the transports available in Mule. Furthermore, with the new mule-transport-bonita (which is Mule's equivalent to THIS connector) you can even start processes or execute tasks once events in Mule are received. So for example, you can kick off a new Process once an email is received in a specific mailbox, or possibly get a JMS message, or any event from the 40+ transports that are available in mule.
