I want to add custom Tasks and custom Events to the software


I am a student and it is my first project with Bonita, could you help me please !!cry_smile.png.

and the project is to add the notation elements of the BPMN extension uBPMN to the BPM Bonita (new custom Tasks and custom Events and a Smart Object ) ( in Bonita Version : 2021.1 ,Build id :

I didn't know where to begin so i tried with (Build Bonita from sources ) is it the right way ?????

In order to access the open source I followed this instruction from : https://github.com/Bonitasoft-Community/Build-Bonita

After run bash build-script.sh , I could not find those following :

  1. Bonita Studio (aka Bonita Development Suite): bonita-studio/all-in-one/target (only zip archive, no installer)
  2. Bonita Bundle (aka Bonita Runtime): bonita-distrib/tomcat/target

So i could not continue .... please Help!

1 answer



Just to confirm: because you don't need to download the Github source to use Bonita! Download the studio, start it .. and that's it! You can start to display your first process.

What do you mean by "and the project is to add the notation elements of the BPMN extension uBPMN to the BPM Bonita (new custom Tasks and custom Events and a Smart Object ) "

Do you want to enlarge the Bonita Studio? Then you need to change the Studio, then the Bonita Engine to take care of the new artifacts. So yes, if you want to do that, this is the correct path. You can open an issue in the project if you face an issue.

