
Know the actors assigned to next task

3 questions in one :P

1st Is there a way to know EVERY task (or flowNode) in a workflow? not only the archived tasks, failed or ready tasks, but every single one from start to finish? (by tasks I mean every user_task, automatic_task, gateway and so on..)

2nd If there is way to know every task I suppose there is way to know which task is next from a certain point in the there?

3rd This one is easy but depends on the other two there a way to know the actors assigned to the NEXT task (or flowNode)?

Recuiting volunteers using BonitaBPM


I hope this isnt a too-basic question, but I have been playing with BPM now for 1 day and am hoping to build an application that allows our community project to process the recruitment of volunteers.

Conditional transition depending on actor and variable

I'm developing an application which invokes bonita's REST API and I'm currently at the process workflow design stage.

I need to implement the following scenario:

From an initial state - let's say "open"- there are 3 different transitions available, let's say: "paused", "cancelled", and "closed". What I would like to obtain is that:

  • from the "open" state, after a transition the case moves only to one of the children state (i.e. is not forked or splitted)

i have tried to apply multiple filters while getting actor members like f=actor_id and user_id,but it dint work!

i want to get only single user while passing actor_id and user_id and insted of that API gives me list of all the used contains in the passing actor.

i have tried to use the below API : retrieve only the actorMembers related to the specified user_id. http://localhost:8080/bonita/API/bpm/actorMember?p=0&c=10&f=member_type%...

Please suggest something to apply both filer.

Thanks in advance :)

what is the scope of the actor member?

what is the scope of the actor member? is it through out the case only or till the process deactivation?

Trying to distribute tasks

Dynamic actors

Hi,all I’m new to bonita bpm,and I want to know how to use actor dynamically in Bonita BPM 6.3.8. I have two questions about this: 1 I added a variable role with data type text ,it contains the real role in my organization .How can I add actors with data role in one human task? 2 If I installed the app in the protal. How can I enable the app without mapping any real user or role or group in my organization.

Thanks for any help and suggestions! :)


Is there any way to control user to switch to administrator profile in community

hello ,

i m using community version of Bonita . there are all user have default both profile ,they can switch between user and admin profile . i want to restrict user to switching admin profile

can i achieve ? in community ? \ how ? pl suggest thanks kandarp

Call activity actor

I want the actor of the process called by a call activity to be the actor of the call activity.

How can I implement this behavior?

Common Javadoc for ActorMember

Hi, guys.

Where can I find the documentation for interface ActorMember.

On Javadoc, at Bonita documentation portal there is no information about their methods, as you can see there
