
Set process variable from UI Designer

Hi alll!

I am new to Bonita BPM, I am very enthusiastic about creating processes, but today I came across a problem that I have not been able to solve by searching the internet, so I go to you.

I have a process where when starting, a form has a checkbox to see if there were approved funds, if there were approved funds the process begins, if not the process ends.
Since it is not necessary to persist in the database if there were approved funds, I created a Boolean process variable "aprobado" (I'm from Uruguay, we speak spanish).

How can i show a selected value in a different widget?


I'm getting some data from the database and using a select widget to show an specific column name. Now, once the value is selected, I need to show the rest of the values in the row in a different widget (select, text, input).

Is there an alternative to show this information?

Comment garder le document initialement attache au file upload widget dans le draft d'un formulaire


J'ai une question sur le widget d'upload de fichier dans mon formulaire.

J'utilise la fonction Draft (https://documentation.bonitasoft.com/bonita/2021.1/widgets#_save_button_...) et l'utilisateur peut bien enregistrer ce formulaire en "brouillon" afin de pouvoir y revenir pour le valider plus tard.
Mais je rencontre un problème avec le widget d'upload.

Gestion d'erreur des Variables de type External API et affichage dans le formulaire aux utilisateurs


Cette question est liée à l'absence de mécanisme de gestion d'erreur lors des appels d'API REST effectués au travers de variables de type "External API" dans les formulaires et pages.

De nombreux cas d'erreur peuvent se poser : erreur 500 interne au serveur, erreur 403 liée à un problème de permission, erreur 401 suite à une session expirée etc...
Quelle que soit la source du problème, il semble que rien n'est prévu pour permettre au développeur du formulaire d'afficher un feedback à l'utilisateur pour l'informer de l'anomalie.

Is it possible to visualize in the UI the column names of a pickle?

Hi all! I am stuck trying to upload and then visualize the column names of a pickle (.sav) in the UI.

With Python I would use the following code for the visualization of the column names:

import pickle
pickle_path = r"D:\downloads\pickle_test.sav"
gpds = pickle.load(open(pickle_path), "rb") #open pickle to read it
gpd = gpds['dict1'] #select the dictionary
gpd.info() #show column names

My knowledge of JavaScript is limited and I don't know how to do it. Could someone help me?

Thanks in advance!


How are UI designer Artifacts saved in Bonita server ?

Good afternoon everyone , I just wanna ask a question about UI designer Artifact , how they are saved in Bonita server ?!

Contrainte sur upload file

Juste savoir, est-ce possible de garder le bouton de Soumission inactif aussi longtemps que l'utilisateur essaye d'uploader un fichier au délà d'une taille max donnée?


Use API (Not own Bonita) in the Designer Form

Hello everyone,

I created an external Api Rest to use it in the form of Bonita's designer.
I know how to use Bonita's own Api, but my question is ...
In this case, how would the API that I created within Bonita (form) be used, this external API is to obtain read-only information.

Someone knows something about it?



Can't get document by url or id

Hey guys,
I read this: https://documentation.bonitasoft.com/6.x-7.2/documents-0 and tried to implement this but faild.
I tried two ways, that I will show you and maybe some of you can help me and say what the next steps could be.

First try:
I got the url of my pdf, its: documentDownload?fileName=BookOne.pdf&contentStorageId=1643
