Access process variables from instantiation form (7.2)


I am new to Bonita BPM so maybe I am not doing the right thing but here is my scenario.

I want to create a process and I need some reference values from our ERP (Oracle database). Those reference values are only revelant during the process execution so I created some process variables and a in-connector that populate the process variable

The question is I do not know how to access the process variables from the instantiation form. I looked at the BPM api but being an instantiation form there is no caseId I can use.

So two questions:

  • Is there a way to access those process variables and how?
  • Am i doing things right? Should I keep using process variables or should I switch to business variables? And what is the impact of using business variables in this case?


Have you solved this problem? I’m facing the same issue.

I have to query the available options of a select field from the database.

Have you solved this problem? I’m facing the same issue.

I have to query the available options of a select field from the database.

I solved my problem using a REST API extension. You can only access BDM objects and not in the instantiation form (connector is triggered after form submit).